Volume : III, Issue : V, May - 2014

A Study on attractiveness of India as an Investment destination in global market

Kali Charan Modak, Gagan Bhati

Abstract :

World second highest population, robust domestic demand, high purchasing power, economic liberalization cheap labor attracts foreign investment in India. Cost competitiveness and epic pool of talent makes India as one of the most preferred destination for FDI. We are able to attract FDI in India but we are unable to maintain that FDI for a long time, because of the problem faced by investors in India. In this paper we try to analyze the various factors which affect the image of India as a preferred investment destination in global economy

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Kali Charan Modak, Gagan Bhati A Study on attractiveness of India as an Investment destination in global market International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue. V, May 2014

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