Volume : III, Issue : X, October - 2014

A Study of Upper & Lower Posterior Border of Human Hip Bone

Dr. Gautam Kumar Singh, Dr. Siddharth Shankar Roy

Abstract :

It is a measurement based study where we studied the posterior border of hip bone .The Hip bone which is the important bone for the determination of sex in human being, it has posterior and anterior border which will be longer than other borders of this bone. The posterior border which has following landmarks i.e. above to downwards, they are posterior superior iliac spine(psis), posterior inferior iliac spine(piis), ischial spine(is), ischial tuberosity(it).we studied the distance between psis and piis which is measured by sliding caliper and length between them measured by thread along its border, and another measurement the distance and length between IS and IT.we have found some important relations between male and female,male has higher value in comparison to female and right and left sides does not show significant relations. these are because in Indian subcontinent average height of males are more than females.

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Dr. Gautam Kumar Singh,Dr. Siddharth Shankar Roy A Study of Upper & Lower Posterior Border of Human Hip Bone International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 10 October 2014

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