Volume : V, Issue : IV, April - 2016

A Study of Two Uncommon Gynecological Malignancies

D Karmali, G Pednekar

Abstract :

 In busy gynecological practice, we come across many rare and uncommon malignancies. Here we present two uncommon varieties, one, synchronous tumours of endometrium and ovary, and the other, Malignant Mixed Mullerian Tumours. Simultaneously occurring tumours in the endometrium and the ovary can be either primaries in both the organs or metastasis from one another. It is important to differentiate the two as the prognosis and management varies depending on whether it is primary or metastatic. Malignant Mixed Mullerian Tumours (MMMT), also called as uterine carcinosarcoma, is a rare and rapidly growing tumour of the female genital tract.

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D KARMALI, G PEDNEKAR A Study of Two Uncommon Gynecological Malignancies International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 5, Issue : 4 APRIL 2016

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