Volume : I, Issue : III, August - 2012

A Study Of Trade Diversifications In Saarc Region

Dr. Dinesh Kumar, Sanjeev, Ruchi Singh

Abstract :

The study analysed the trade diversification among SAARC region and reveals the facts that India’s trade is mostly diversified within the region while the least trade diversified economy is Bhutan. By using the Herfindahl- Harschman Index, the study indicates that on the basis of export diversification/ concentration and import concentration/diversification, India and Pakistan are the most competitive economy in the region while Bhutan and Nepal are the least competitive. Therefore, Bhutan and Nepal including the rest of the economies in the region i.e. Bangladesh, Maldives, Sri Lanka and Afghanistan are recommended to diversify their trade within the region so as to achieve the higher status for international trade in the phased manner

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Dr.Dinesh Kumar, Sanjeev, Ruchi Singh A Study Of Trade Diversifications In Saarc Region

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