Volume : III, Issue : V, May - 2014

A Study of Stressful Life Events and Somatoform Disorder

Dr. Dharmesh V. Patel, Dr. Jayesh Dutt

Abstract :

BACKGROUND Life without stresses cannot be imagined. Psychosocial stresses form an inseparable part of life, and up to a degree may be essential for adequate personality development. If these stresses become too severe or too numerous, they may produce Psychiatric illnesses. AIMS & OBJECTIVES To Compare (Stressful) life events in somatoform disorder group (index group) and a control groups.To find out association between stressful life events and onset of somatoform disorder MATERIALS & METHOD The semi–structured interview for introduction life events was used by the of “Presumptive stressful life events scale”, modified and standardized for Indian population (Gurmeet Singh et al,1984) to study Life events in period of one year prior to onset of illness. RESULTS The PSLES scoring indicates that all the patients with somatoform disorder and of acute fever experienced life events. The number of acute events ranging from 0 to 2 with the mean of 1.12 in the patients of somatoform disorders. Where as the number of acute events ranging from 0 to 1 with mean of 0.77 among the patients with acute fever. The standard deviation was 0.32 and 0.45 respectively in the index and control groups.CONCLUSION Somatoform disorder patients ,experienced life events, which were more in number and scored higher in severity as compare to control.

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Dr.Dharmesh V. Patel, Dr.Jayesh Dutt /A Study of Stressful Life Events and Somatoform Disorder /International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.3, Issue. 5, May 2014

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