Volume : VII, Issue : V, May - 2018

A Study of Sacral Hiatus

Dr Geeta G N, Dr Suresh Bidarkotimath

Abstract :

The sacrum was considered to be a sacred bone. In fact the very name sacrum comes directly from the word os sacrum, a Latin word which means sacred bone. The sacrum was related to reproduction, fertility, and reincarnation in meso America. In olden days it was considered as a door way for the translocation of spirits from one world to other. Backache especially that belongs to the lower back is now becoming the case trends because of the life style that has been adopted by the modern society. Is there a anatomical micro – evolution taing place due to this. No one knows the reason for these but for a definitive answer a data base has to be built for the same. This study puts in a sincere effort to study the level at which the sacral hiatus opens. This is considered clinically important.

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Dr Geeta G N, Dr Suresh Bidarkotimath, A Study of Sacral Hiatus, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-5 | May-2018

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