Volume : II, Issue : VII, July - 2013

A Study of position of mental foramen and accessory mental foramen in 300 mandibles of Gujurat population

Dr. Mayuri P Shah

Abstract :

Mental nerve injury is the main complications of surgery of the mandibular canal and mental foramen region .Identification of mental foramen is very important for dental surgeons while giving nerve block and during surgical procedures like apicocurettage of mandibular premolars, retrograde amalgam filling and periodental surgery . In cases of mandibular fractures, 80 percent occur at the mental foramen and at the contralateral angel. In very few mandibles, there is also existence of accessory mental foramina in posterior or inferior area of the mental foramen. So Verification of the existence of this foramen would prevent injury to accessory nerve during periapical surgery. Present study was conducted using 300 dried human mandibles from different medical colleges of Gujurat. Out of these, 154 were dentulous mandibles, while rest of 146 was edentulous. Mental foramen was present in all 300 mandibles and it was bilateral. Accessory mental foramen was present in only two mandibles. None of the mandible was found with absence of mental foramen . Mental foramen was located below the apex of second premolar in 65 percent of mandibles; between first and second premolars in 21.7 percent and in 11. 7 percent, it was between second premolar and first molar. Accessory mental foramen was present 0.4 mm lateral to mental foramen and below the apex of first molar.

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Dr. Mayuri P Shah A Study of position of mental foramen and accessory mental foramen in 300 mandibles of Gujurat population International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 2, Issue : 7 July 2013

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