Volume : VI, Issue : IV, April - 2017

A Study of Intravaginal Tablet Misoprostol (25µg) For Induction of Labour in Primigravida with Term Gestation

Dr. Rekhatha

Abstract :

 This study evaluates the safety and efficacy of intravaginal low dose (25µg) of Misoprostol for cervical ripening and labour induction in primigravida with term gestation. Two hundred and forty seven patients with an indication for induction of labour in third trimester were included. The cervical score was assessed by using Bishop’s score prior to prostaglandin induction. Patient’s with Bishop’s score 0.05 were considered not significant. Misoprostol was significantly more effective in inducing labour (98%) with the number of failed induction being 5 out of 247. 94% of Patients delivered within 24 hours. Mean time from start to delivery (including caesarean) was 12.97+6.34hours. Lesser number of patients required oxytocin augmentation i.e. 32%. Induction to vaginal delivery interval was 11.9+4.9 hours. Induction to vaginal delivery interval was significantly greater with Bishop’s score 3 i.e. 10.2+3.7 hours. 97.56% of patients delivered vaginally within 24 hours. 68.29% of patients delivered vaginally with single dose of Misoprostol with mean number of dose 1.34+0.52. Dystocia, non reassuring FHR with hyper stimulation and tachysystole were 2%, 4% and 4% respectively. Neonates with Apgar score of 40%), prolonged hospital stays and an overall increase in maternal and fetal morbidity. Misoprostol is a synthetic analogue (15 deoxy 16 hydroxy 16 methyl) of natural PGE1, with a molecular weight of 382.54. The utero tonicity of this in pregnant women was first described in 1987. The use of Misoprostol for cervical softening and term labor induction was first reported by Marguilies et al in 1992. Misoprostol acts as a myometrial  stimulant of the pregnant uterus by selectively binding to prostaglandin E2 sensitive receptor subtypes EP–2 and EP–3 4 . It can be used orally as well as vaginally. Misoprostol is affordable, easily stored at room temperature. Dispersion in hydroxyl propyl methyl cellulose (1:100) enhances the stability of misoprostol. Therefore the conventional tablets of misoprostol can be produced with a shelf life of several years. In this study, efficacy and safety of intravaginal low dose (25µg) misoprostol for cervical ripening and labor induction is evaluated in primigravida with term gestation. 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS The study was done at KSHEMA & Sahara Hospital in Mangalore. The Criteria for inclusion in the study were  Singleton pregnancy·  Cephalic presentation·  Unfavourable cervix (Bishop‟s score· < 4)  Clinically adequate pelvis·  No history of any uterine scar·  Patients not in labor·  Patients with no fetal distress.· Two hundred and forty seven patients with an indication for induction of labor in third trimester and who gave informed consent were studied. After the recruitment to study, patients identification, data, history, physical examination, findings were noted in the designed pro forma. Pelvic examination was carried out to note the inducibility of cervix prior to the induction and during the course of labor to assess the progress of labor. Inducibility of cervix was assessed by Bishop‟s score (1964). All patients enrolled in the study received Misoprostol 25µg 4 th hourly placed digitally in the posterior vaginal fornix under aseptic precaution for maximum of four doses. The second dose was withheld, if patients were having three or more regular uterine contractions in 10 minutes lasting for 30–60 seconds. Oxytocin was started if Bishop‟s score was more than 6 in the absence of adequate uterine contractions after 4 hrs of last dose; or for augmentation of labor in case of arrest of dilatation. Oxytocin was started at the dose of 2mU/min. with increments of 2mU/min. every 30 minutes. Memanes were ruptured, when the cervix was completely effaced with a cervical dilatation of >3 cms. The data collected included indication for induction, maternal age, parity, gestational age on entry into the study, insertion to delivery interval, duration of labour, number of patients delivered within 24 hrs, the occurrence of spontaneous labour, route and type of delivery, mean number of doses until delivery, number of patients delivered after a single dose, number of patients requiring oxytocin augmentation, maternal complication and neonatal complication, neonatal birth weight and Apgar scores at 1 and 5 minutes, etc. Student„t‟ test was used for data analysis and P value of  <0.05 was considered significant

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Dr. Rekhatha, A Study of Intravaginal Tablet Misoprostol (25µg) For Induction of Labour in Primigravida with Term Gestation, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : VOLUME-6 | ISSUE-4 | APRIL‾2017

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