Volume : VI, Issue : VIII, August - 2017

A study of Interventions for Adolescent Emergency Patients who Screen Positive for Suicide Risk

Dr. Imran Shivji, Dr. Pranay Gandhi

Abstract :


This randomized trial examined the effectiveness of Teen Options for Change (TOC), an intervention for adolescents seeking medical emergency services who screen positive for suicide risk.

Materials and Methods:

Participants were 49 adolescents, ages 14 to 19, seeking services for non–psychiatric chief complaints who screened positive for suicide risk due to recent suicidal ideation/attempt and/or depression plus alcohol abuse. They were randomly assigned to TOC or enhanced treatment–as–usual. Depression, hopelessness, and suicidal ideation were assessed at baseline and two–month follow–up.


Adolescents assigned to TOC showed greater reductions in depression than adolescents assigned to the comparison group (Cohen‘s d = 1.07; large effect size). Hopelessness, suicidal ideation and alcohol outcomes trended positively (nonsignificantly) with small to moderate effect sizes.


TOC is a promising, ief intervention for adolescents seeking emergency services who are at risk for suicide.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Dr. Imran Shivji, Dr. Pranay Gandhi, A study of Interventions for Adolescent Emergency Patients who Screen Positive for Suicide Risk, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : VOLUME-6 | ISSUE-8 | AUGUST‾2017

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