Volume : V, Issue : II, February - 2016

A Study of Industrial Improvement in MIDC , Buldhana District, Maharashtra

V S Athawar

Abstract :

<p> In the universe Industrial growth and improvement plays a vital role to make progress. Industrialization helps to improve the standard, the National Income and reduce poverty and unemployment problem. In India Industrialization plays a leading role to developed the country. This paper tries to analyzed the role of Buldhana MIDC in the Industrial development. Primary and secondary data are used to give the inference. It tries to identify and remedies over the sickness of the units. By doing proper study of the units and taking educate measure we can eliminate the problem of sickness and the country will look forward to make stringent industrial progress.</p>

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V S Athawar A Study of Industrial Improvement in Midc , Buldhana District, Maharashtra International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 5, Issue : 2 February 2016

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