Volume : VI, Issue : IV, April - 2017

A Study of fetomaternal outcome in high BMI patients

Dr. Priyanka Damor, Dr. Kalpana Mehta

Abstract :


AIMS: To assess the effect of maternal BMI on complications in pregnancy, mode of delivery, complications of  labour and delivery & neonatal outcome.

Methods: A comparative prospective study was carried out in the Obst and Gynae department, MDM Hospital, Jodhpur, Rajasthan. The study enrolled 100 pregnant women. They were divided into 2 groups based on their BMI, more than or equal to 25 kg/m2 were categorized as overweight and less than 25 kg/m2 as normal weight respectively and effects of maternal BMI on complications in pregnancy,mode of delivery, complications of labour and delivery and neonatal variables were studied and statistical analysis was carried out both groups of patients .

Results: Maternal variable –according to age(<0.05),parity((<0.05), treatment taken for sub fertility/infertility (<0.05),PIH(<0.05), weight gain during pregnancy(<0.05),mode of delivery(<0.05),type of caesarean section(<0.05),wound infection (<0.05),PPH according to mode of delivery (<0.05) are strongly associated with high BMI, whereas religion(>0.05), area(rural/urban)(>0.05), anemia(>0.05), GDM(>0.05) postdated pregnancy(>0.05), induction of labour(>0.05) are not associated with high BMI.  neonatal variable–neonatal complication(<0.05), perinatal  mortality(<0.05) are strongly associated with high BMI, whereas according to baby weight (>0.05) is not associated with high BMI. 

Conclusions: As the obstetrical outcome is significantly altered due to high BMI, we can improve maternal outcome by overcoming obesity. As obesity is a modifiable risk factor, preconception counselling creating awareness regarding health risk associated with obesity should be encouraged and obstetrical complications reduced.

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Dr. Priyanka Damor, Dr. Kalpana Mehta, A Study of fetomaternal outcome in high BMI patients, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : VOLUME-6 | ISSUE-4 | APRIL‾2017

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