Volume : II, Issue : V, May - 2013

A study of Expected Organizational Values and Beliefs Among Generation Y as Potential Employees

Netra Neelam, Dr. Rama Venkatachalam, Dr. Deepa Tanksale

Abstract :

This paper empirically examined the expectations of Generation Y as potential young employees in terms of their values and beliefs in the future work environment. A total of 207 undergraduates comprising of 85 B.Com students and 122 BBA students from Pune, completed the OCTAPACE questionnaire developed by Pareek Udai. The results indicated that B.Com and BBA students did not vary significantly with respect to the preferred values and beliefs in workplace on eight dimensions of OCTAPACE profile except for the authenticity element. The mean scores indicated that the preferred expected organizational values were proaction, openness, confrontation and experimentation Collaboration, Trust, Authenticity and Autonomy for both the groups

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Netra Neelam, Dr. Rama Venkatachalam, Dr. Deepa Tanksale A study of Expected Organizational Values and Beliefs Among Generation Y as Potential Employees International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.V May 2013

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