Volume : II, Issue : V, May - 2013

A Study of Emotional Intelligence and learning outcomes of senior secondary school students

Mr. Muyeen Maqbool Mir

Abstract :

This research was conducted to investigate the relationship of EI and LO of senior secondary school students. 200 senior secondary students were the sample of study and they selected through stratified random sampling method from senior secondary schools of Bhopal district of Madhya Pradesh State. For collecting data, standardized tool, of mangal emotional intelligence inventory was used by researcher, and last year annual examination marks of students treated as LO, then analysis of data done by correlation and t test. A finding of the study reveals that EI is positively correlated to LO of senior secondary school students. Gender does not influence the EI and LO of senior secondary school students. The results of this research inferred that secondary school students those studied in schools of urban locality in Bhopal district of Madhya Pradesh state have better EI and LO than their counterparts’ students of schools of rural areas

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Mr. Muyeen Maqbool Mir A Study of Emotional Intelligence and learning outcomes of senior secondary school students International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.V May 2013

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