Volume : V, Issue : II, February - 2016

A Study of Correlation between Alpha Appearance Time in EEG and I.Q.

Dr. Prabhat Kumar Budholia, Dr. Ajay Kumar Mishra

Abstract :

<p> Purpose of this study is to observe correlation between IQ and alpha appearance time of EEG in young medical students. Correlation of alpha activity with intelligence is an important variable that sought a lot of attention of various investigators and has a long history. An electroencephalogram (EEG) is a neuroimaging technique that enables, using many sensors on the scalp, a measure of electrical activity from neurons in the ain. EEG recordings can measure Alpha activity because it is the largest, most easily identifiable signal in the ain. In trials, alpha index measurement involved long and cumbersome computations as compared to alpha appearance time measurement i.e. time for alpha pattern to appear after closure of eyes. Alpha appearance time is very simple to measure and involves only one time measurement. For doing the I.Q. test of students, Jalota’s Group test for General Mental Ability was used.</p>

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Dr. Prabhat Kumar Budholia, Dr. Ajay Kumar Mishra A Study of Correlation between Alpha Appearance Time in EEG and I.Q. International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 5, Issue : 2 February 2016

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