Volume : II, Issue : X, October - 2013

A Study of Corelation of Glycemic Control and Periodontal Health

Dr. Ankita Shah, Dr. Paras Parekh

Abstract :

Introduction : Healthy gingiva is pink and firm which is tightly attached to teeth and do not easily bleed when you ush your teeth. Gingival disease may be either in mild form called Gingivitis or it may be in severe inflammatory form which destroys bone that hold teeth called Periodontitis. Glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) is glycemic control over past two to three months. Methdology : A total of 158 subjects who have come to clinic with various dental complain were included in study. Gingival & periodontal examinations were done. Glycemic control of all these subjects was measured by doing Glycated hemoglobin assay (HbA1c). Result : Significant association (P

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Dr. Ankita Shah, Dr. Paras Parekh / A Study of Corelation of Glycemic Control and Periodontal Health / International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.2, Issue.10 October 2013

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