Volume : VII, Issue : X, October - 2018

A Study of Celiac Disease in Duodenal Biopsies at a Tertiary Care Hospital in Ahmedabad

Dr. Arpit Gohel, Dr. Kalpen Patel, Dr. Himil Parikh

Abstract :

Introduction: Celiac disease (CD) is the manifestation of an immune hypersensitivity reaction towards gluten in genetically predisposed people(carriers of HLA–DQ2 and DQ8 haplotypes).It is characterized by inflammation of the small intestinal mucosa and progressive loss of absorptive function. Clinical manifestations include gestrointestinal and systemic menifestations. Aims &Objectives:The aim of the present study was to evaluation of histological diagnostic criteria for CD using two different grading methods in duodenal biopsy .Material &Method:Study was conducted at GCSMCH & RC by reviewing the records of 50 patients ,clinically suspected for CD, whose duodenal biopsies received in pathology. Patients already treated for the same were excluded. 3 sections from each tissue block were stained with H&E stain, diagnosis & staging was done according to Modified Marsh Oberhuber&Corrazza staging systems.Results:Out of 50 patients, 28 were female and 22 were male(F:M Ratio1.27:1).Patients ranged in age group from 3–57 years. According to Modified Marsh Oberhuber staging system &Corrazza staging system majority of patients staged as 3a [26 (52%)] & B1 [37 (74%)] respectively.Conclusion: CD is commonly seen in female patients, though the reason for this is uncertain. According to both staging systems, presence of IEL is the key feature. As duodenal biopsy is an important and safe means to identify underlying celiac disease, it should be routinely considered in all patients undergoing endoscopic evaluation for clinical symptoms suggestive of CD.

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Dr.Arpit Gohel, Dr.Kalpen Patel, Dr.Himil Parikh, A Study of Celiac Disease in Duodenal Biopsies at a Tertiary Care Hospital in Ahmedabad, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-10 | October-2018

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