Volume : VII, Issue : V, May - 2018

A study of acute benign esophagogastric diseases and the present day outlook in practice.

Dr. Asayas Bosco Chandra Kumar, Dr. K. Balagurunathan, Dr. V. Mahalakshmi

Abstract :

Background:Upper GI disorders are commonlyencountered in the surgical outpatient department. And the house surgeons and residents are the first contact they should evaluate them properly. The resident should know indication for proper referral to surgery or gastroenterology department for Gastroesophagogastroduodenal scopy. The study gives an insight to the findings of 335 patients presented acutely with upper GI complains and also enumerates the basic understating for the fresh graduate for the management and indication of the Gastroesophagogastroduodenal scopy in an acute presentation. Methods:a prospective descriptive study of the all patients admitted from 2013–2014 with acute upper gastrointestinal symptoms all underwent a early endoscopy and the findings noted and analyzed. Results:In our study the correlation between the clinical symptoms and Gastroesophagogastroduodenal scopy finding are females are more affected than males. And the reproductive age group has the highest incidence of acute presentations. Esophagitis is the commonest acute presentation in our study.Conclusions:a very large data of multiple modality and methods of treatment an over diagnosis component is existing and the availability of resource and affordability has to be considered for managing acute upper GI symptoms and an early Gastroesophagogastroduodenal scopy for acute GI symptoms should kept reserved and not a routine practice

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Dr. Asayas Bosco Chandra Kumar, Dr. K. Balagurunathan, Dr. V. Mahalakshmi, A study of acute benign esophagogastric diseases and the present day outlook in practice., INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-5 | May-2018

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