Volume : III, Issue : IV, April - 2014

A Study of 10Th and Bhava and Significance of 12 Houses

P. S. Sukumaran

Abstract :

The 10th house is the most important quadrant/kendra of a chart. It is one of the principle pillars of the life of the person as it depicts the karma/action of the individual. This shows the karmic direction in one’s life. It is to be seen along with the 9th house which shows the dharma of the person. Any connection between the 9th and 10th house will show the inter-link between the dharmika (religious) and karmika(action) levels of the native.

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P. S. Sukumaran A Study of 10Th and Bhava and Significance of 12 Houses International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue. IV Apr 2014

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