Volume : V, Issue : II, February - 2016

A Simple Technique of Frenuloplasty for penile frenulum breve

Bhavinder Arora

Abstract :

 Frenulum eve is a common cause of dyspareunia in young males. Most of patient presented with a torn frenulum after sexual activity. Non surgical methods using steroid cream and exercise are not very effective. Frenuloplasty is plastic surgery lengthening procedure which relieves pain, chordee and dyspareunia. This study was carried out in fifty patients. Under local anaesthesia, a small transverse incision is given on frenulum and sutured longitudinally producing an effective frenulum lengthening. Follow up of all the patients in short duration shows low complication rates and high patient satisfaction rate.

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Bhavinder Arora A Simple Technique of Frenuloplasty for penile frenulum breve International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 5, Issue : 2 February 2016

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