Volume : III, Issue : V, May - 2014

A Secure Authentication Protocol and Scalable Distributed Name System for Spontaneous Wireless Ad Hoc Networks

Aswini S, Mrs Maya Mohan

Abstract :

In areas where there is little communication infrastructure or the existing infrastructure is inconvenient to use, wireless mobile users may still be able to communicate through the formation of spontaneous networks. A spontaneous network is a special case of wireless ad hoc networks. So the security needs in the spontaneous networks are much higher than those in the wired networks. This paper presents a well defined and efficient security mechanism for Spontaneous networks. Authentication protocol uses a hyid symmetric/asymmetric scheme. Initial data exchange is based on the trust between users. Initial trust establishment is based on the visual contact between users. The protocol includes all functions needed to operate without any external support. To provide the secure group communication in spontaneous networks, a group key is used so that efficient symmetric encryption can be performed. A scalable Distributed Name System is also included in this paper. It can provide nodes in the network with secure name–to–address resolution and service discovery

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Aswini S, Mrs Maya Mohan A Secure Authentication Protocol and Scalable Distributed Name System for Spontaneous Wireless Ad Hoc Networks International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue. V, May 2014

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