Volume : IV, Issue : III, March - 2015


S. Maheswari, Dr. Murugesa Pandian

Abstract :

This paper analyses the growth and development of scientometric research on World Wide Web field. Webology is an International peer–reviewed journal in the field of World Wide Web. Its concerns include the production, gathering, recording, processing, storing, representing, shå, transmitting, retrieving, distribution, and dissemination of information. This study analyses the number of articles, form of documents cited, etc During 2004–2013 a total number of 114 papers were published in this journal. The average number of publications published per year was 11.4. The highest numbering of papers 16 was published in the year 2008. 58 articles were contributed by Single Authors and the remaining 56 articles were contributed by Multi Authors. And also this study reveals that maximum numbers of articles were contributed by Indian contributors than from other countries.

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S.Maheswari,Dr. Murugesa Pandian A SCIENTOMETRIC STUDY OF WEBOLOGY JOURNAL International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 3 March 2015

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