Volume : IV, Issue : V, May - 2015

A Scalable Muti–Rate Digital Signal Processing for Radio Astronomy

Bimlendra Pratap Singh, Arpit Kumar Verma, Mr. Sumit Bhardwaj

Abstract :

 Challenges in designing digital signal processing systems for radio astronomy needs to process very large amounts  of data with very high rates for more than one telescope. It is also required for shorter development and faster development of Digital Signal Processing System Design. Traditional design approaches a lack of high level –platform independent application  specifications that can be experimented with and later ported to and optimizable for various target platforms. We try to pack a large amount of information into a finite allocation of frequency and filter specifications. Multi–rate filters are also able to  change the input data rate at various intermediate points within the filter itself while an output rate is identical to the input rate. At a minimum level of design multi–rate system requires filter with high orders i.e. larger lengths, which implies more storage for coefficients and much  higher execution rates for the processor. These filters can achieve both greatly reduced filter lengths and computational rates as compared to  single rate filters.

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Bimlendra Pratap Singh, Arpit Kumar Verma A Scalable Muti–Rate Digital Signal Processing for Radio Astronomy International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 5 May 2015

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