Volume : IV, Issue : VI, June - 2015

A ring shaped lateral semilunar cartilage a case report and review of literature

Sanjay Chougule

Abstract :

 We present a rare congenital abnormality of the lateral meniscus. A careful perusal of the English literature to date makes us feel that the following case merits recording. Introduction – Congenital anatomic variations of the lateral meniscus have been rarely reported in the literature. In addition, there have been only a few reports of ring–shaped lateral menisci. Here we describe an abnormally shaped lateral meniscus, which was discovered as an incidental finding. We believe that this abnormal meniscus is a developmental anomaly rather than an old, displaced, bucket–handle tear. Casepresentation – A 34 year old white European male presented with pain in his left knee, which he attributed to a football injury. His knee had been normal prior to the injury. The referring general practitioner’s letter stated that the patient had difficulty running and playing football. His presenting complaint was pain at the medial aspect of the left knee, with no history of locking. He also complained of difficulty running and playing sports. Clinical examination revealed tenderness along the medial joint line. The knee could be fully extended, but flexion was painful. The McMurray test was positive for a tear in the medial meniscus. Lachman’s test was negative, indicating that the anterior cruciate ligament was intact. Radiographs did not reveal any significant abnormalities. Because of the severity of his symptoms, the patient underwent arthroscopy of his left knee. A ring–shaped lateral meniscus was visualized during arthroscopy. Conclusion – Ring–shaped lateral menisci have rarely been described. Our patient presented following a twisting injury while playing football, had pain over only the medial joint line without locking of the knee, and had been asymptomatic before injury. Previous reports suggest that a ringshaped meniscus could be an old bucket–handle tear; however, our patient was asymptomatic prior to his injury so we strongly suspect that this is a developmental anomaly

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Sanjay chougule A ring shaped lateral semilunar cartilage a case report and review of literature International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 6 June 2015

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