Volume : V, Issue : III, March - 2016

A review paper on gravity of farmers distress in Punjab

Poonam Pathak

Abstract :

 Green revolution sustained till the eighties, after which the agricultural production in the state showed the signs of stagnation. The farming system promoted by the green revolution was resource intensive, making farmers heavily dependent on inputs such as HYV seeds, chemical fertilizers and extensive means of irrigation etc. There is a rise in the farmer’s distress in the state. Punjab has seen a sudden spurt in the cases of de–peasantisation and farmer’s suicides. The farmer’s distress has reached to the extent where it has jolted not only the State Government but also the Government in the Centre.

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Poonam Pathak A review paper on gravity of farmers distress in Punjab International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 5, Issue : 3 March 2016

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