Volume : III, Issue : I, January - 2014

A Review on The Fundamental Concepts of ‘Heat–Pipe’ and its Modern Applicatons

G Upadhyay , K Mehta, U Shah

Abstract :

Modern day industrial equipment has a pressing need to develop newer technologies. The discipline of thermal engineering is quite fundamental and has very wide applications in the human welfare. The equipment requiring heat transfer amongst its various components is quite common in the thermal industry. One specific requirement is to transfer a large amount of heat across a low thermal gradient. The requirement of very fine thermal control is also in high demand in Industry as well as Research Applications. Heat pipes present a solution to such issues. Heat pipes employ the Heat of Vaporization of a fluid to transfer heat from one part to another. Heat pipes are similar to Thermosyphon, but have an advantage of transferring heat without the dependence on gravity. The present paper reviews various fundamental concepts of Heat Pipe along with their modern day application.

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G Upadhyay , K Mehta, U Shah A Review on The Fundamental Concepts of ‘Heat-Pipe’ and its Modern Applicatons International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.I January 2014

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