Volume : III, Issue : VI, June - 2014

A Review on Software Defined Networks

T. R. Gopalakrishnan Nair, Kavita Sooda, Sharada U Shenoy, Raksha S R

Abstract :

Today’s resource-intensive application causes network traffic to grow extensively putting high demand on the existing network. Meeting current market requirements is virtually impossible with traditional network architectures. Existing network architectures were not designed to meet the requirements of users. As a result, there is a need for solution to make the network application aware by intelligently monitoring and routing the network traffic.SDN makes it possible to manage the entire network through intelligent orchestration and provisioning systems. SDN is an approach to programmable network that separates and abstracts some of the control pane functions from the network devices and places them in a centralized controller. SDN is a step in the evolution towards programmable and active networking. Software defined networks provides necessary components to make the network programmable, dynamic and application aware.SDN is often referred to as a “radical new idea of networking”. The future of networking will rely more and more on software, which will accelerate the pace of innovation in computing and storage domains. Here in this paper, we discuss what SDN could provide to transform today’s static network into flexible, programmable platforms with the intelligence to allocate resources dynamically

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T.R. Gopalakrishnan Nair, Kavita Sooda, Sharada U Shenoy, Raksha S R / A Review on Software Defined Networs / International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.3, Issue.6 June 2014

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