Volume : IV, Issue : II, February - 2015
A Review of University Industry Linkages for Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development in the Milieu of Ethiopia
Zinabu Derbew, Dr. Nirmala Mungamuru, Yalew Asnake
Abstract :
Entrepreneurship and innovation are two of the most pervasive concepts, yet there are still gaps in understanding of the interactions between them particularly in upcoming countries. This paper attempts to fill this gap. It focuses on the entrepreneurship-innovation development through strong University-Industry linkage, drawing heavily on empirical evidence from Ethiopia.Effective and efficient University-Industry Linkage is necessary condition for knowledge and technology transfer from university to the industry and vice versa. In the context of Ethiopia, universities are playing an important role as an indigenous knowledge source. Fruitful University-Industry Linkages (UILs) help local firms to import, modify, and diffuse technology. The findings of this paper contribute to the debate on the extended role of universities in Ethiopia for technological change and economic development. This paper aims at reviewing the linkages and relationships between universities and industry in relation to the knowledge economy for development.
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DOI : 10.36106/ijsr
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Zinabu Derbew,Dr. Nirmala Mungamuru,Yalew Asnake A Review of University Industry Linkages for
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development in
the Milieu of Ethiopia International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 2 February 2015
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Zinabu Derbew,Dr. Nirmala Mungamuru,Yalew Asnake A Review of University Industry Linkages for Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development in the Milieu of Ethiopia International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 2 February 2015
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