Volume : III, Issue : I, January - 2014

A Review of 25 Cases of Enterocutaneous Fistula

Dr. Jainam K. Shah, Dr. Shakib J. Masu, Dr. Keyur N. Surati

Abstract :

OBJECTIVE: Enterocutaneous fistula is an unpleasant and troublesome complication of abdominal operations. The objective was to study common etiology for enterocutaneous fistula. The relation between the site of the fistula and its outcome. To review conservative and operative management and its influence on outcome. MATERIALS AND METHODS: 25 cases taken from Sheth L.G. General Hospital and Sheth V.S. General Hospital of Ahmedabad have been studied during the period of 2010 to 2013. All cases were studied according to following proforma which included etiology, the investigations carried out and management and outcome. However gastric, pancreatic, biliary and anorectal fistula and stomas were excluded from this study. RESULTS: Enteric perforation and Abdominal tuberculosis are common causes of fistula with commonest site is ileum. patients with low output fistula have higher chances of fistula closure (69.23%).success rate in conservative management is 62% (9/16) and in surgical intervention is 55%(5/9) and mortality rate is 44% (11/25). CONCLUSION: Prompt recognition Enterocutaneous of fistulas with their etiology and site are essential. Once diagnosis is established, a stepwise approach is should be followed, the basis of success in the control of infection

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Dr. Jainam K. Shah, Dr. Shakib J. Masu, Dr. Keyur N. Surati A Review of 25 Cases of Enterocutaneous Fistula International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.I January 2014

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