Volume : IV, Issue : VIII, August - 2015

A retrospective study of patients admitting to a tertiary care hospital with various kinds of poisoning

Dr Rajnikanth S Malapur, Dr Soumya M

Abstract :

Objectives: To study the pattern of presentation of patients with different types of poisoning in a tertiary care hospital. Materials and Methods: This retrospective study evaluated the hospital records of patients with acute poisoning. In a pre–structured proforma, data regarding age, sex, time elapsed after exposure , circumstances of poisoning were recorded. The data were presented as mean ± standard deviation, entered in the open office datasheet, and analyzed with SPSS software. Results: A total 822 patients were included in the study. Young adult males were more commonly involved than females (M:F 2.5:1). The mean age of the patients was 28 years (range 2–72 years, SD ± 14.3 years). Mean time to receive treatment was 5.2 ± 7.4 (range 1–48 h). Among them OP compound exposure was more then 54.2%. About 45.5% patients received first aid before coming to the hospital. The cause for poisoning was suicidal in 88.1% cases and accident in 12 (11.9%). The patients received treatment as per hospital protocol according to the type of poison they were exposed . Conclusion: The present study contributes substantial information regarding the epidemiology of various poisoning and acute Organophosphorus poisoning has a major share among them. There is a further need for prospective studies to understand underlying socio–economic factors responsible for Organophosphorus poisoning in our population and, accordingly, address the problems to reduce the incidence of poisoning

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Dr Rajnikanth S Malapur, Dr Soumya M A Retrospective Study of Patients Admitting to A Tertiary Care Hospital with Various Kinds of Poisoning International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 8 August 2015

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