Volume : VIII, Issue : VII, July - 2019


Gunasekaran Nallampalli Anbalagan, Sridharan Murugesan, Sathya Pakkiri, Jaganmohan Janardhanan, Badamutlang Dympep

Abstract :

INTRODUCTION :– Streeter’s dysplasia is a sporadic condition that may also be present in association with other congenital anomalies. It has an incidence varying from 1 in 1500 to 1 in 15,000 live births. It is also known as congenital constriction band syndrome or amniotic band syndrome. This syndrome has significant predilection for the upper extremities and distal limbs. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES:– The two main objectives of treatment of this study are 1) To improve function of the limbs 2) To improve cosmetic appearance MATERIALS AND METHODS:– This retrospective cohort study was conducted at the Department of Plastic,Reconctructive and Faciomaxillary surgery at Madras Medical College and RGGGH between 2014 to 2018. 10 cases were included in this study ,out of which 4 males and 6 females. Age limit was 3 months–3years. The location and degree of each constriction ring and associated anomalies were recorded. 9 patients were treated with Z–plasty. In one patient due to tight deep band ,band excision with distal debulking was done. RESULTS:– This retrospective cohort study conducted at the Department of Plastic,Reconctructive and Faciomaxillary surgery at Madras Medical College and RGGGH between 2014 to 2018 showed excellent improvement in the function of both upper limbs and lower limbs. Cosmetic appearance was good.The most common associated anomalies were syndactyly, acrosyndactyly, hypoplastic phalanges, lymphedema and Talipes Equino Varus. CONCLUSION:– Most importantly, CCBS is not always fatal although there are many problems that come along with it. The future for those suffering from CCBS is continually improving reaching in utero surgical procedures. It is extremely important to seek prenatal medical attention when pregnant. This study concludes with ideal treatment option of Z–plasty for congenital band syndrome and improved limb function and aesthetic appearance of the patients with that procedure.

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A RETROSPECTIVE COHORT STUDY IN MANAGEMENT OF STREETER'S DYSPLASIA: OUR EXPERIENCES, Gunasekaran Nallampalli Anbalagan, Sridharan Murugesan, Sathya Pakkiri, Jaganmohan Janardhanan, Badamutlang Dympep INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-7 | July-2019

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