Volume : VI, Issue : X, October - 2017

A Retrospective And Prospective Analysis Of The Functional Outcome Of Revision Lumbar Surgery For Failed Back Surgery Syndrome

Dr Nalli R Gopinath, Prof Nalli R Uvaraj, Dr. K Naveenkumar, Dr K Neelakannan

Abstract :

 Aim and Objective: To retrospectively and prospectively study the functional outcome of revision lumbar surgery.

Methods:        This study was conducted among 33 patients with recurrent pain after index surgery and were were evaluated by VAS, ODI score, neurological examination, routine radiographs, CT scans and MRI and operated targeting the cause of pain. Spinal fusion was done in 66.67%

Results: The major cause of  recurrent pain was instrumentation failure (45%), post – laminectomy instability (27%), and recurrent disc (27%). Mean pain free interval was 30.95 months and mean number of previous surgeries was 1.13. Overall success rate  was 69.69%. Patients with PFI of  > 6 months had better outcome than those with PFI < 6months. 

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Dr Nalli R Gopinath, Prof Nalli R Uvaraj, Dr. K Naveenkumar, Dr K Neelakannan, A Retrospective And Prospective Analysis Of The Functional Outcome Of Revision Lumbar Surgery For Failed Back Surgery Syndrome, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-6 | Issue-10 | October-2017

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