Volume : VIII, Issue : I, January - 2019

A Rare Case of Dental Lamina Cysts in Newborn

Dr. Bushra Ahmed Karim, Dr Mamta Malik, Dr. Sanjeev Laller, Dr. Shubham Kumar

Abstract :

 Dental lamina cysts or gingival cysts of the newborn are benign developmental transient lesion of oral mucosa arising from the epithelial remnant of dental lamina called cell rests of Serres. They are seen within first three months after birth, then rupture and regress spontaneously requiring no essential treatment. They can be seen as multiple small, whitish yellow papules or nodules on alveolar ridge mucosa and mid palatal mucosa each measuring not more than 3.0mm in diameter. The clinical significance lies in the fact that dental lamina cysts are usually misdiagnosed as natal/neonatal teeth. Hence they should be examined thoroughly. Here we provide a case report of dental lamina cyst in one month baby girl

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A RARE CASE OF DENTAL LAMINA CYSTS IN NEWBORN, Dr. Bushra Ahmed Karim, Dr Mamta Malik, Dr. Sanjeev Laller, Dr. Shubham Kumar INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-1 | January-2019

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