Volume : VIII, Issue : X, October - 2019


Dr. Anuj Mathur, Dr. Vikas Kunwar Singh, Dr. Ruchika Tiwari, Dr. Alankrita Sisodia

Abstract :

Intraosseous hemangiomas are one of the rarest lesions of jaw bone with an incidence rate of 0.5 –1% with the gender predilection being 2:1 (female: male) and shows it’s peak incidence in fifth and sixth decade. Most common site for occurrence of hemangiomas are verteal column and skull. Cutaneous hemangiomas are most common however intraosseous hemangiomas in mandibular site are a rare condition. In this case, a 30 year old male presented with pain in right side of face and difficulty in mouth opening. On extra oral examination, swelling and ecchymosis around right eye with subconjunctival a hemorrhage was present along with step deformity over right infraorbital region. Face was bilaterally asymmetrical as there was a bony swelling in left lower facial region. CT scans (3D view) of patient showed right zygomatico–maxillary complex fracture and bony hyperplasia in the left mandibular body region. This paper presents a rare case of central hemangioma diagnosed accidentally in a patient who suffered from right zygomatico–maxillary complex fracture.

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A RARE CASE OF CENTRAL HEMANGIOMA IN MANDIBLE:CASE REPORT, Dr. Anuj Mathur, Dr. Vikas Kunwar Singh, Dr. Ruchika Tiwari, Dr. Alankrita Sisodia INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-10 | October-2019

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