Volume : V, Issue : XI, November - 2016

A prospective study of functional outcome of total hip replacement in degenerative arthritis

Dr. Rafeeq, Dr. T. H. Prakashappa, Dr H S Chandrashekar

Abstract :

 A prospective study conducted on 39 hips of 30 degenerative arthritis patients with mean age of 39years( range 20–70yrs ) who underwent uncemented total hip replacement performed in the Department of Orthopaedics, Sanjay Gandhi Institute of Trauma and Orthopaedics ,Bangalore during 18months period from November 2014 to April 2016. In our study, 70% were males & 30% females . 85% patients had secondary osteoarthritis and 15% had primary osteoarthritis of hip.Mean follow up was 10.13months ( 3–16 months ) . Functional evaluation using modified harris hip score showed excellent results in 97% hips and good results in 3% hips. 10% of patients had complications. In Conclusion, the current generation of uncemented prosthesis used in the total hip replacement for degenerative arthritis of hip , provides satisfactory clinical and radiographical outcomes after a short duration of follow up. Even though the study was not free of complications, the overall functional and radiological outcome showed excellent results

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Dr.RAFEEQ, Dr.T.H.Prakashappa, Dr H S Chandrashekar, A prospective study of functional outcome of total hip replacement in degenerative arthritis, International Journal of Scientific Research, Volume : 5 | Issue : 11 | November 2016

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