Volume : VI, Issue : I, January - 2017

A Prospective Study of Clinicoetiological Profile and the Complication Pattern in Patients with Chronic Liver Disease at RIMS RAIPUR

Dr. Inderjeet Singh Siddhu, Dr. Sanjay Agarwal, Dr. Brajendra Kumar

Abstract :

 Our present study was performed to find out etiology, mode of clinical presentation and pattern of development of complications in patients of chronic liver disease. The study included 64 patients suggestive of chronic liver disease, attending gastroenterology OPD, and those admitted in medicine department of  RIMS RAIPUR CG.Detailed history, physical examination, clinical examination,

abdominal ultrasound examination, Child–Pugh score and liver biopsy were performed. In present study, 54.8% patients belonged to age group of 20 to 40 years, 87.1% patients had history of abdominal

distension, 69.4% had jaundice and 48.4% had history of gastrointestinal bleeding. As clinical sign of hepatic failure and portal hypertension, loss of body hair and splenomegaly was reported in 41.9% and 41.9% patients respectively.As per the present study data, CLD was a common entity in Central India with male preponderance and affecting mostly people of middle age group, which required immediate

social and medical intervention.

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Dr.Inderjeet Singh Siddhu, Dr.Sanjay Agarwal, Dr.Brajendra kumar, A Prospective Study of Clinicoetiological Profile and the Complication Pattern in Patients with Chronic Liver Disease at RIMS RAIPUR, International Journal of Scientific Research, Volume : 6 | Issue : 1 | JANUARY 2017

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