Volume : VII, Issue : IV, April - 2018

A Prospective Evaluation of Sclerotherapy for Chronic Lateral Epicondylosis

Dr. Lakhan Singh Maravi, Prof. Dr. Hkt Raza, Dr. Ashish Sirsikar, Dr. Aditya Soni

Abstract :

Sclerosing agents such as polidocanol are widely used for treating varices and vascular malformations. Sclerotherapy hasbeenadvocated to target neovascularity that is often present in tendinopathy. Objective: To assess whether sclerotherapy, an injection–based therapy, improves elbow pain in patients with lateral epicondylosis. Methods:Inthisstudy,18patients(22 elbows) (10 menand8women,mean age40years)withthediagnosisof lateral epicondylosiswereincluded.Allpatientshada chronichistoryofpain(mean18months).Allpatients weretreatedwitha single injectionofthe sclerosingagentpolidocanol.Results:At6–months follow–uppost–injection, therewasagoodclinicalresultin17 out of 22elbows.Extensororiginpainduringwristloadingactivities wassignificantlyreduced.Conclusion: Sclerotherapy with polidocanol was well tolerated, effectively decreased extensor origin pain and improved elbow function in patients with refractory lateral epicondylosis.

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Dr. Lakhan Singh Maravi, Prof. Dr. HKT Raza, Dr. Ashish Sirsikar, Dr. Aditya Soni, A Prospective Evaluation of Sclerotherapy for Chronic Lateral Epicondylosis, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-4 | April-2018

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