Volume : III, Issue : V, May - 2014

A Polarographic study of Pb (II) complexes with Bupropion hydrochloride in 40% ethanol–water mixture

Sharda, Rajayashree Pandey

Abstract :

Interactions between lead and Bupropion hydrochloride were investigated at 200 C and 300 C using DC polarography. Measurements were performed in aqueous acetate buffer (pH=5) solutions under physiological ionic strength (0.5 M). Determination of the stiochiometry and stability constants of the Pb(?) Bupropion hydrochloride complexes was based on the DeFord–Hume methodology. The results were compared with the values calculated by Mihailov’s method (mathematical). Complexes formed were in 1:1 and 1:3 ratios at 200 C and 300 C respectively. The values of stability constants, log β1, log β2 and log β3 obtained are 3.11, 4.32, 7.40 at 300 C and only log β1 is found to be 3.22 at 200 C. The formation of the metal complexes was found to be spontaneous and exothermic in nature

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Sharda, Rajayashree Pandey A Polarographic study of Pb (?) complexes with Bupropion hydrochloride in 40% ethanol-water mixture International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue. V, May 2014

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