Volume : I, Issue : IV, September - 2012

A Novel Market Basket Analysis Using Adaptive Association Rule Mining Algorithm

M. Dhanabhakyam, Dr. M. Punithavalli

Abstract :

Data mining is the process of extracting relatively useful information from a large data base. In recent business trends, it is necessary to transform the data available in a database into an informational advantage. As the technology growth is mounting, the amount of information which is stored in databases is rapidly increasing. It is very difficult to find the valuable information hidden in those databases. Many researches were done by the database community based on association rule mining and classification technique to find the related information in large databases. An effective association rule mining technique is used in this chapter for analyzing and predicting the best combination of the items which will be very useful for the users in getting items very easily without much effort. The knowledge of the buying patterns can be utilized to enhance the placement of these items in the super market or the layout of the catalog pages. This requirement has led to the establishment of techniques that automatically look for associations between items that are stored in databases. Hence, Adaptive Association Rule Mining Algorithm (AARMA) is proposed in this paper and it is evaluated using mushroom dataset accuracy, Area Under the Curve (AUC) and execution time.

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M.Dhanabhakyam, Dr.M.Punithavalli A Novel Market Basket Analysis Using Adaptive Association Rule Mining Algorithm International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.I, Issue.IV sep 2012

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