Volume : IV, Issue : IV, April - 2015


Dr. Priyanka Chopade, Dr. Amita Mali, Dr. Priyanka Agrawal

Abstract :

There are several frena that are usually present in a normal oral cavity, most notably the maxillary labial frenum.

Their primary function of frena is to provide stability for the upper and lower lip and the tongue. An abnormal
upper labial frenum is capable of retracting the gingival margin, creating a diastema, limiting lip movement, gingival recession, and in cases
of a high smile line, affecting esthetics also. When an abnormal high frenum is present, frenectomy is advised. This technique has been modified in many ways. But in most of the techniques the zone of attached gingiva and esthetics are not considered. This case report highlights a
new technique of frenectomy that results in good esthetics, excellent color match, gain in attached gingiva, and healing by primary intention
at the site of the frenum.

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Dr. Priyanka Chopade, Dr. Amita Mali, Dr. Priyanka Agarwal A NOVEL FRENECTOMY TECHNIQUE International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 4 April 2015

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