Volume : IX, Issue : III, March - 2020

A Novel Diagnostic Approach in Restorative dentistry and Endodontics – An Update.

J. Sai Sahiti, Vamsee Krishna N, S. Datta Prasad, C. Sunil Kumar, S. Sunil Kumar, K. S. Chandra Babu

Abstract :

Despite all the dental information acquired over centuries and the importance of proteome research, cross–link between these two areas only emerged around mid–nineties. Proteomic tools help dentistry in the identification of risk factors, early diagnosis, prevention, and systemic control that promotes the evolution of treatment in all dental specialties. It is a remarkable tool that can revolutionize the treatment of oral disease in all the context’s leading to changes in treatment philosophy. A literature review is done using electronic databases, such as “PubMed,” “Google Scholar,” and “Scopus,” using keywords “Proteomics,” and “Mass Spectrometry”. Furthermore, an advanced or refined search was carried out using the keywords “Proteins,” “Enamel,” “Dentin,” “Cementum,” “Periodontal ligament” and “pulp”. The idea is to make dentistry a more individualized area, with the need for minimal interventions. Proteomics tools ing a drastic change in diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of dental diseases.

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Article: Download PDF    DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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A NOVEL DIAGNOSTIC APPROACH IN RESTORATIVE DENTISTRY AND ENDODONTICS‾AN UPDATE., J. Sai Sahiti, Vamsee Krishna N, S. Datta Prasad, C. Sunil Kumar, S. Sunil Kumar, K. S. Chandra Babu INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-9 | Issue-3 | March-2020

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