Volume : I, Issue : II, July - 2012

A new species of MicroveliaWestwood, 1834 from India

V. K. Khandelwal

Abstract :

MicroveliaWestwood, 1834 is an important genus of family Veliidae.1843.It is hereto represented by seven species viz. M.repentina Distant, 1904, M. singalensis Kirkaldy,1903,M. albomaculata Distant,1909, M.kumaonensis Distant,1909, M.diluta Distant 1909 and M. annandelei Distant, 1909. One new species of the genus Microvelia(s.str.)distanti sp.nov. is described from Haridwar, India

                  The Vellidae are best known of all aquatic hemiptera of the world and are extremely common in Indian waters. The members of the family are easily differentiated from the related family Gerridae based on hind leg not surpassing beyond the tip of abdomen and the presence of median longitudinal groove on vertex.Microvelia Westwood,1834 belongs to the subfamily Microveliinae China & Usinger, 1949 of the family Veliidae. The genus Microvelia Westwood, 1834 are easily recognized from the members of other genera due to subangular and posteriorly produced pronotum.

 Material and Methods: Specimens for the present study have been collected from the crevices of holy riverbank of Yamuna and in order to study the specimens, dried specimens were softened in alcohol and macerated in 10% KOH solution to remove the genital capsule and dissected to study the structural details of mouthparts, eyes, antennae, genitalia etc. All drawings were being made from camera lucida. For comparative study, the data collected from World Wide Web. 

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V.K.Khandelwal, A new species of MicroveliaWestwood, 1834 from India, International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.I, Issue.II July 2012

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