Volume : III, Issue : V, May - 2014

A Inclusive Study on Financial performance of Selected Public Sector and Private Sector Banks in India

Nilesh P. Movalia, Pintu A. Vekariya

Abstract :

Banking is a one of the most growing industry in the country today. Indian banking sector is havingmore than 11,75,150employee and has a total 1,09,811 anches across India and 171 anches aoad and man– aged Rs. 67504.54 Billion and bank Credit of Rs. 52604.59 Billion. The Net profit of banks operating in India was Rs. 1027.51 Billionagainst Rs. 9148.60 Billion Turnover during 2012–13. Banking sector is important part and sector for growth and development ofIndian economy.Research Purpose: the purpose of this research is to know the financial performance and position of selected public and private banksin India. By using various financial data and ratios of Public and private sector banks during 2007–08 to 2011–12,Researchers havecompared the public and private sector banks.Research Methodology: The research is based on the Analytical research design. Moreover,the data collection method used for thisresearch is secondary method. Data are collected by annual report of companiesand various websites. The datapresented in thisreport is from the period 2007–2008 to 2011–2012. Major Findings: Here,Researcherss found out that public sector banks is quite good compared to public sector banks in area of profit–ability, Debt–Equity, Earning per Share. Also found that price earning ration of private sector banksis high compare to public sectorbanks.Implications: implication is concern of this research is, it helps to Government, Reserve bank of India and Planning commission forknowing performance of top public and private banks in India during 2007–08 to 2011–12. This study can also be useful for those, whowant to have a further research in the same field.

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Nilesh P. Movalia, Pintu A. Vekariya /A Inclusive Study on Financial performance of Selected Public Sector and Private Sector Banks in India /International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.3, Issue. 5, May 2014

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