Volume : III, Issue : IV, April - 2014

A Framework for Cluster Based Secure Data Aggregation Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks

F. Nirmala Sherine, V. Hamsadhwani

Abstract :

In many sensor applications, the data collected from individual nodes is aggregated at a Cluster Heads(CHs). Wireless sensor networks often consists of sensor nodes with sensing and communication capabilities. To reduce energy consumption, many systems also perform in-network aggregation of sensor data at intermediate nodes enroute to the cluster head. Data aggregation is the process of summarizing and combining sensor data in order to reduce the amount of data transmission in the network. We focus on secure data aggregation problems for cluster based approach in WSN. The main goal of cluster based secure data aggregation in resilient aggregation protocols for both flats networks and hierarchical networks. In this paper, system designer to choose the particular network architecture depending on the capacity, energy constraints and security based on application.

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F.NIRMALA SHERINE, V.HAMSADHWANI A Framework for Cluster Based Secure Data Aggregation Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue. IV Apr 2014

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