Volume : II, Issue : X, October - 2013

A Framework for Cloud Information Accountability

Raj Kumar Patil, Rehaman Pasha

Abstract :

Distributed computing empowers quite versatile administrations to be effortlessly expended over the Internet on an as–required premise. A major characteristic of the cloud administrations is that clients‘ information are as a rule handled remotely in obscure machines that clients don‘t own or work. While reveling in the accommodation carried by this new developing innovation, clients‘ reasons for alarm of losing control of their own information (especially, fiscal and health information) can turn into a noteworthy restraint to the wide selection of cloud administrations. To address this issue, in this paper, we propose a novel exceptionally decentralized data responsibility structure to stay informed concerning the genuine utilization of the clients‘ information in the cloud. Specifically, we propose an item focused methodology that empowers encasing our logging instrument together with clients‘ information and approaches. We power the JAR programmable competencies to both make a dynamic and voyaging question, and to guarantee that any right to gain entrance to clients‘ information will trigger verification and robotized logging neighbourhood to the Jars. To fortify client‘s control, we additionally give appropriated reviewing instruments. We furnish far reaching exploratory studies that exhibit the effectiveness and viability of the proposed approaches.  

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Raj Kumar Patil, Rehaman Pasha / A Framework for Cloud Information Accountability / International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.2, Issue.10 October 2013

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