Volume : IV, Issue : I, January - 2015

A Feature Based Machining Of A Prismatic Part For Computer Aided Process Planning System

Viswa Mohan Pedagopu, Dr. Manish Kumar

Abstract :

The global competition and increasing demand for higher quality products at lower prices with shorter lead times have led to a growing focus on development of Computer Integrated manufacturing (CIM) systems in manufacturing industries. In developing a CIM system, an automated process planning interface can play a key role especially in integrating ComputerAided Design and Computer-Aided Manufacturing. The analysis of the machining features, machining operations, Cutting speed, Feed rate, Depth of cut, tool material of the real prismatic part is done and presented in this paper. This research paper also presents the work proposes to generate process plan from feature-based modeling, based on creo/proE and NC mill 5.0 soft wares.

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Viswa Mohan Pedagopu,Dr. Manish Kumar A Feature Based Machining Of A Prismatic Part For Computer Aided Process Planning System International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 1 January 2015

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