Volume : I, Issue : I, June - 2012

A Feasibility Study of Islamic Banking System in India Miles to Go

Dr. Sharif Memon

Abstract :

Islamic banking is a worldwide occurrence involving a variety of institutions and instruments. In the precedent few decades, Islamic institutions and instruments have developed in many countries, including the United States. In certain countriesIran, Sudan, and Pakistanall or the majority financial intermediation conforms to Islamic shariah (religious law) as defined by local authorities. In most other countries, including Indonesia, Islamic transactions and institutions make up a small part of the total and must compete with conventional financial institutions. There is even considerable Islamic banking in the United States. If the terms and conditions of Islamic transactions differ too much from those of conventional institutions they become hard to sustain. Thus this paper is an attempt to study the Islamic banking system model and its compatibility to the Indian Banking System.

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Dr. Sharif Memon A Feasibility Study of Islamic Banking System in India Miles to Go International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.I, Issue.I June 2012

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