Volume : IV, Issue : IX, September - 2015

A Diagnostic Study on role of USG in Ovarian Lesions

Dr. S. M. Jyothi, Dr. J. Sandeep

Abstract :

A Number of gray scale sonographic features have been studied for their ability to allow distinction between benign and malignant ovarian masses. Most investigators have found grey scale sonography to be as good as or better than Doppler to improve diagnostic sensitivity various scoring system have been proposed, but have important shortcomings. A study was carried out in the department of radio diagnosis, Gandhi General Hospital and its allied hospitals in Hyderabad. The study included patients of all age groups presenting with adfnexal masses. It was conducted from December, 2002 to may 2005. On ultrasound examination 45.7% (32 cases) of the ovarian lesions studied were having morphologically benign ultrasound appearance of simple cyst, thin wall and septations of < 3 mm or uniform low level echoes. On correlation with FNAC and histopathological appearance 93.7% of cases (30) were benign. In our study, the sensitivity predicting the nature of the lesion using the Morphological criteria on USG examination was 92.8%. The Specificity in our study was 71.4%. Thus in Present study sonomorphology has highest sensitivity of 92.8% and Negative Predictive Value 93.7%, which is comparable to other studies.

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Dr. S. M. Jyothi, Dr. J. Sandeep A Diagnostic Study on Role of Usg in Ovarian Lesions International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 9 September 2015

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