Volume : I, Issue : V, October - 2012

A Descriptive Analysis on the Influence of Demographic Factors towards the Effectiveness of Advertisements in select Media

Dr. K. Pongiannan

Abstract :

Though there are several media, the socio–economic characteristics and perception of the audience decides the popularity of the media to a very great extent. In order to capture the perception of the audience belongs to the different category of advertising media; it is of crucial importance to study their demographic factors. Hence, this paper aims to describe the various demographic factors of the respondents which are influencing the effectiveness of advertising media. For this purpose, Dharmapuri District was chosen as sample area and the sample respondents were selected by using simple random sampling as well as snow–ball sampling technique. A well structured questionnaire was used to collect the data from the 150 respondents. The collected data were subject to analysis with appropriate statistical tools and the results reveals that there is a high level of significance in the audience’s demographic characteristics in influencing the effectiveness of the various advertising media.

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Dr. K. Pongiannan A Descriptive Analysis on the Influence of Demographic Factors towards the Effectiveness of Advertisements in select Media International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.I, Issue.V Oct 2012

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