Volume : VII, Issue : IV, April - 2018

A cross sectional study to evaluate use of family planning methods in an Urban Slum

Dr. Amrut Swami, Dr. Radhe B. K.

Abstract :

 Family planning is the hour of need today for developing countries like India, which is the world’s second most populated country. Contraception is

the key to prevent unwanted pregnancies, for maintaining proper spacing between the births and for family planning. There are different methods of
contraception used, with these services being available from Government, Private hospitals and over the counter from medical shops. This study
was carried out in an urban slum attached to field practice area of Urban Health Centre of a tertiary hospital and a Government Medical College,
Mumbai. 400 participants were included in the study. Proportion of contraceptive usage amongst study participants was found to be 73.5%, with
Barrier method being the most common method of contraception (38.1%). The most common reason for not utilizing any contraceptive method
was desiring more children 33%.

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Dr. Amrut Swami, Dr. Radhe B. K., A cross sectional study to evaluate use of family planning methods in an Urban Slum, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-4 | April-2018

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