Volume : II, Issue : II, February - 2013

A Comparative Study on Wealth Maximization in Selected Automobile Industries

R. Muruga Ganesh, Dr. A. Somu, V. Mathivathani

Abstract :

The Wealth Maximisation objective is considered superior than the profit maximisation objective. Many of the organization have entered into the concept of Wealth based management. It is concentrating on what a firm should do to maximize its contribution to the society such as employees, creditors and customers. The researcher has chosen Tata Motors and Ashok Leyland for measuring the wealth of the companies for nine financial year from 2004-2005 to 2011-2012 based on the top companies in selling the heavy vehicles in automobile industry. The Problem taken for this research is that due to the fluctuations in the market price of the shares, it is essential to measure the wealth created by the organization. The researcher has compared the firm Tata Motors and Ashok Leyland for the better understanding of wealth creation of two organisations. The objectives of the research are to measure and compare the Wealth of the selected automobile industries and to provide the suitable suggestion for the selected industries and for the investors for their Wealth Maximization. In this research there are six financial tools has been used to analyse the dada. And based on the analysis the researcher has compared wealth creations of selected organisations and suitable suggestions have been given to the selected organisations and also for the investors.

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R. Muruga Ganesh,Dr.A.Somu,V. Mathivathani A Comparative Study on Wealth Maximization in Selected Automobile Industries International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.II February 2013

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